by Sarah Behrens | Mar 31, 2020
Infant Development Activity Guide Early nurturing and interactions with a baby help them develop the foundations for a lifetime of skills. Guided play is a wonderful way to create opportunities for interactive, meaningful learning. Watch a baby learn how to draw...
by Sarah Behrens | Mar 31, 2020
NCPMI Emergencies and National Disasters: Helping Children and Families Cope These resources provide support to families in helping young children cope with the challenges that might occur during stressful emergency or disaster situations. The website is updated as...
by Sarah Behrens | Mar 31, 2020
How to Care for Infants & Toddlers in Groups In this article, six key components of early group experiences for both infants and toddlers are...
by Sarah Behrens | Feb 3, 2020
Help us Stay Calm These strategies can help you and your child/infant/toddler during challenging...
by Sarah Behrens | Feb 3, 2020
NCPMI Transition Visual Cards Transitions occur when children move from one activity to another. Transition routines help to prepare children for transitions, engages them in the change that is taking place, and helps them to move smoothly to the next activity. The...
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