Give kids a great start, from the start.
Pyramid Resources for Infant & Toddler Social Emotional Development
Model (PRISM) is a professional development package to help early
educators encourage the social emotional development of young
children in their classrooms.

Every year, over 4,000 children are suspended from public preschools for challenging behaviors…
and that doesn’t include the many children suspended from private preschools.
What can we do to change these numbers? It starts with providing a strong foundation for social-emotional competence in infancy and toddler-hood. That’s why we’re here – to help infant and toddler teachers and their coaches give children the best start possible, from the youngest age possible.
PRISM assists coaches and teachers by providing trainings, resources, and data management tools specific to the infant-toddler child care settings.
PRISM provides professional development training modules that focus on practices that teachers can use to promote social-emotional competence for infants and toddlers in center-based child care settings. The training modules align with the TPITOS, an observational tool aimed at documenting implementation of social-emotional teaching practices for infants and toddlers.
Coaching Resources
Available now and always expanding, PRISM resources include coaching tools, teacher tools, and information teachers can send home to parents.
In order to best serve all children, PRISM promotes data collection and universal screening to help ensure no need goes unnoticed. Currently under testing, the dashboard will help teachers make data-based decisions on how to best serve their children. For coaches, the dashboard allows online tracking of TPITOS data and creation of reports. In order to access the dashboard, a coach must be TPITOS certified, and a teacher must have a TPITOS certified coach.
Get Started!
There’s something for everyone available through PRISM today!
Sign up to attend a TPITOS certification training.
Already certified? Contact us to request to be notified when the dashboard is available.
In the meantime, explore our coaching resources, which include forms to implement practice-based coaching.
Consider attending NTI, the annual conference for the Pyramid Model.
Ask your school administrator or coach if they know about PRISM or the Pyramid Model.
Learn more about the Pyramid Model by exploring the Pyramid Model Consortium and NCPMI websites.
Visit our Resources page and filter by teacher and parent to start implementing practices today!
New to the Pyramid Model? Watch this introductory video.
Wondering what your program needs in order to best utilize PRISM? Contact us to find out more.
Send a representative to attend NTI, an annual conference about effective practices to address challenging behavior.