Knows Familiar Faces Milestone

Knows Familiar Faces Milestone

Knows Familiar Faces Milestone Baby is smiling and looks comfortable because she is familiar with the person she sees. Knowing familiar faces is a 6-month social/emotional milestone. Click on the photo for more information on child developmental...
Smiling Spontaneously Milestone

Smiling Spontaneously Milestone

Smiling Spontaneously Milestone Baby smiling spontaneously at someone, a 4-month social/emotional milestone. Click on the photo for more information on child developmental...
Looking at Others Milestone

Looking at Others Milestone

Looking at Others Milestone Baby is showing the 2-month social/emotional milestone of trying to look at her mother. Click on the photo for more information on child developmental...
Calming Oneself with Hand to Mouth Milestone

Calming Oneself with Hand to Mouth Milestone

Calming Oneself with Hand to Mouth Milestone Infant is showing the 2-month social/emotional milestone of sucking on her hand, and she is now calm. Click on the photo for more information on child developmental...